Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Freelancing Right For You?

There are plenty of ways to make money online. Marketing products is not the only way, though it seems to be the most popular. However, it is far from the easiest. Believe it or not, there are much easier ways to make a buck on the Internet. Freelancing is one of them. The question is this. Is freelancing right for you? Well, that's the question that we're going to try to answer in this article. Ultimately, only you can decide if freelancing is something that you want to get into. Hopefully, this article will help you make that decision.

First of all, what exactly is freelancing? Well, simply put, freelancing is where you offer your services for a fee. These services can cover a wide range of things such as article writing, graphic design and programming, just to name a few. If there is a skill out there, then more likely than not, there is a demand for that skill. That is how freelancers earn their keep. But, let's get back to the original question. Is freelancing right for you?

Well, first things need a skill. If you don't have one, then obviously freelancing is not an least not yet. See, you can always learn a skill. There are plenty of courses online and even free tutorials where you can learn just about anything. How long it takes you to master that skill will depend on your natural talent and how much time you put into it.

But deciding on whether or not freelancing is right for you is more than just figuring out whether or not you have a skill that is marketable. There are many people who have marketable skills who are just not cut out for freelancing. But why is that? Why is it that some people just can't hack being a freelancer?
Well, for one thing, being a freelancer takes a lot of self discipline. Unlike working a job, there is nobody to drag your butt out of bed in the morning. You have to force yourself to get to that computer and do your work. If you don't work, you don't get paid. It's that simple.

And then of course there is the fact that there are no guarantees that you're going to get assignments. If you're looking for a guaranteed paycheck, such as with a regular job, you've got a long wait. Just like with marketing a product, you have to market. Only this time, you're marketing yourself. And let me tell you, there is a lot of competition. Therefore, you have to be very good at marketing yourself. You have to give prospects a good reason to use you instead of somebody else.

In a sense, freelancing is a job...without the security of knowing you're going to get paid just by showing up. So before you decide to get into freelancing, make sure you're ready for the challenges ahead of you.

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